CCS IN THE AMERICAS | April & May 2023 Recap
UPDATE - Please kindly refer to this corrected version of the April/May newsletter, not the version that was sent out yesterday. Our apologies!
This April & May 2023 edition of the newsletter
provides updates on policy and advocacy events important to the work of the Global CCS Institute in the Americas, highlighting major U.S. federal and state, and Canadian, policy actions to support the deployment
of CCS as one mitigation tool to reach carbon neutrality.
NOTE: If you'd like to view past editions of the newsletter, please click here. If you were forwarded a copy of this newsletter and would like to sign up to receive it, click here.
- United States – Federal (Policy/Legislation/Regulation)
- Biden- Harris
Administration call to action on carbon management
- DOE’s
announcement for additional infrastructure support
- PHMSA’s two-day carbon
dioxide Public Meeting
- USEPA’s proposal to grant Louisiana primacy for Class VI wells primacy
- USEPA’s proposed power plant rules
- USDA's New ERA
United States – States (Policy/Legislation/Regulation)
- California
- Colorado
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Louisiana
- Texas
- Wyoming
- State resources
3. Canada – (Policy/Legislation/Regulation)
4. Americas Institute Events
5. Areas to Watch - U.S.
6. Other News - Carbon Markets and Carbon Credits
- Environmental Justice
- Reports
United States – Federal (Policy/Legislation/Regulation)
Biden- Harris Administration call to action on carbon management - FECM to Play Major Role in President Biden’s
Call to Action on Carbon Management. President Joe Biden invited countries to join the
United States in participating in the Carbon Management Challenge, a global
initiative to accelerate the deployment of carbon management technologies
crucial to tackling climate change and limiting warming to 1.5° Celsius. The
Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) is playing a major role in
investing more than $12 billion allocated by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
toward the research, development and commercial demonstration of carbon
capture, direct air capture, and carbon conversion technologies and the
buildout of carbon transport and storage infrastructure at multiple sites in
multiple regions around the country. Other countries such as Denmark, the
Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom are making proportionally bold
commitments. But the need to deploy carbon management solutions requires even
more ambitious commitments and in more countries.
- FECM is working
closely with other U.S. government agencies to expedite this progress, and
organizations across a wide spectrum of interests are supporting the Carbon
Management Challenge, including the Clean Air Task
Force, the Global CCS
Institute, IEA Greenhouse
Gas R&D Program, Global Cement
and Concrete Association, and the International
Energy Forum, among others. The White House also released a fact sheet and Chair’s Summary that outlines
steps the United States will take to address climate change.
Department of Energy (DOE)'s announcement for additional infrastructure support - On May 17
the U.S. DOE announced $251 million to support 12 selected projects across
seven states that will bolster the nation’s carbon management capabilities. The
projects, funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, will expand carbon dioxide transportation and storage infrastructure to help carbon dioxide emissions from power
generation and industrial operations. In addition, DOE announced the second
opening of a five-year $2.25 billion funding opportunity to provide for
the continuous development of commercial-scale carbon storage infrastructure
(applications are due July 6).
- Nine
projects were selected for a total of $242 million in funding to support the
development of new and expanded large-scale, commercial carbon storage projects
with capacities to securely store 50 or more million metric tons of carbon
dioxide. Projects will focus on the detailed site characterization, planning,
and permitting stages of project development under Phase III of FECM’s Carbon Storage Assurance Facility
Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) Initiative.
- Three
projects were selected for a total of $9 million in funding to perform detailed
engineering design studies for regional carbon dioxide pipeline networks. Projects
will focus on carbon transport costs, transport network configurations, and
technical and commercial considerations that support broad efforts to develop
and deploy carbon capture, conversion, and storage at commercial scale.
Department of Transportation - Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)'s
two-day carbon dioxide public meeting
- PHMSA will convene a two-day carbon dioxide
Public Meeting to inform rulemaking decisions, by discussing key
topics such as public awareness, emergency response and effective communication
with emergency responders and the public, dispersion modeling, safety measures
to address other constituents besides carbon dioxide in carbon dioxide pipelines, leak detection
and reporting, and geohazards. The carbon dioxide meeting will be webcast for
those who cannot attend in person.
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA)'s proposal to grant Louisiana primacy for Class VI wells primacy
- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) opened
public comment on April 28th on a proposal to grant the State of
Louisiana’s request for primary responsibility – or primacy – of Class VI wells
under the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program, which regulates the injection
of carbon dioxide into deep rock formation. Class VI injection wells—when
used as a part of carbon capture and storage and carbon dioxide removal
projects—are a critical tool for cutting carbon emissions and combatting the
climate crisis. In the news release EPA stated: “As an agency that is advancing environmental justice, EPA listened to
the community voices in the region and worked extensively with the state of
Louisiana to ensure its primacy application reflected essential environmental justice
and equity considerations. As we work to finalize this proposal, EPA will seek
and consider public feedback and continue to prioritize protections for our
most vulnerable communities while ensuring they have a meaningful seat at the
- EPA is requesting public comments on the Agency’s proposed
decision within 60 days after date of publication in the Federal Register. EPA will hold an in-person public hearing on June 15, 2023, in
Baton Rouge, LA. To sign up for the hearing and learn more information please
visit: https://www.epa.gov/uic/underground-injection-control-epa-region-6-ar-la-nm-ok-and-tx. In addition to the
public hearing, EPA requests that comments be sent via the Federal Register,
docket number EPA-HQ-OW-2023-0073. For more
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s proposed Greenhouse Gas Standards and Guidelines for Fossil Fuel-Fired
Power Plants - The United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued its proposed rule to address
carbon dioxide emissions from power plants on May 11, 2023. The proposal would set limits for new
gas-fired combustion turbines, existing coal, oil and gas-fired steam
generating units, and certain existing gas-fired combustion turbines. The proposed rule and
additional resources can be found here.
EPA’s high level summary of the proposal can be found here. Here are EPA’s factsheets
for states plans and tribes.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) New ERA
- Biden-Harris
Administration Makes Historic, $11 Billion Investment to Advance Clean Energy
Across Rural America Through Investing in America Agenda. Funding
is available through two programs under President Biden’s Inflation Reduction
Act. Specifically, the U.S. Department
of Agriculture (USDA) will be opening a Letter of Interest process for the
Empowering Rural America (“New ERA”) program, which makes $9.7 billion
available to eligible rural electric cooperatives to deploy renewable energy
systems, zero-emission and carbon capture systems. In addition to New ERA, USDA
will also be opening a Letter of Interest process for the Powering Affordable
Clean Energy (PACE) program. Under the New ERA
program funds can be used to make energy efficiency improvements to
eligible generation and transmission systems, to purchase, build, or deploy
renewable energy, zero-emission systems, carbon capture storage systems, or to
purchase renewable energy.
U.S. States (Policy/Legislation/Regulation)
- Report
- The Fire Marshall issued a, Proposal to the Legislature for Establishing
a State Framework andStandards for Intrastate Pipelines Transporting Carbon
Dioxide . This report
fulfils one requirement of SB905, that is to report
to the Legislature on a proposal for establishing a state framework and
standards for intrastate pipelines transporting carbon dioxide (Proposal). SB
905 requires the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA), in consultation
with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), to “provide a proposal
to the Legislature to establish a state framework and standards for the design,
operation, siting, and maintenance of intrastate pipelines carrying carbon
dioxide fluids of varying composition and phase to minimize the risk posed to
public and environmental health and safety….This Proposal is not provided to
the Legislature as regulations or draft regulations. Instead, it is intended to
inform the development of state safety policies for intrastate pipelines
carrying carbon dioxide and provides recommendations on next steps.”
- Active
- S.B. 438:Carbon sequestration: Carbon Capture, Removal, Utilization and Storage
Program: incidental and unintentional residual oil production. Existing law prohibits a well operator from
injecting a concentrated carbon dioxide fluid produced by a carbon dioxide
capture, removal, or sequestration project into a Class II injection well for
purposes of enhanced oil recovery, including the facilitation of enhanced oil
recovery from another well.This bill would exclude from the above prohibition
the incidental and unintentional residual oil brought to the surface produced
at the surface from a Class VI well, as defined, resulting from the injection
of a concentrated carbon dioxide fluid into a Class VI well that has been
deemed emptied of oil before injection during the execution of a carbon dioxide
capture, removal, or sequestration project. The bill would prohibit the
production of carbon dioxide by a carbon capture, removal, or sequestration
project. The bill would require any oil produced from a Class VI well to be
reported to the State Air Resources Board and the United States Environmental
Protection Agency, Region 9, within 60 days of its occurrence. For bill status see here.
- S.B. 308: Carbon Dioxide Removal Market Development
Act This bill would enact the Carbon
Dioxide Removal Market Development Act that would require the state board, no
later than December 31, 2027, to adopt a regulation to require certain emitting
entities to purchase negative emissions credits equal to a specified amount of
their greenhouse gas emissions, as determined by the state board, in each
calendar year beginning in the 2028 calendar year in accordance with specified
requirements. The bill would require the state board, no later than December
31, 2027, to establish rules and processes for certifying carbon dioxide
removal processes that may be used to create negative emissions credits and for
tracking negative emissions credits in accordance with certain criteria. The
bill would also require negative emissions resulting from the use of negative
emissions credits to be included in the calculation of the state’s net
greenhouse gas emissions, as specified.
For bill status and latest action see here.
- DOE May 17th
announcement impact
- Colorado School of Mines (Golden,
Colorado) plans
to develop a regional carbon dioxide storage hub to address emissions from cement,
hydrogen, and power plants, including geologic characterization efforts
at two sites in Colorado’s Pueblo region. (Award Amount: $32,671,554)
- Enacted
- HB23-1071: Study Workforce Transitions To Other
Industries. The
bill requires the office of future of work (office) to contract with a third
party to study workforce transitions in Colorado's economy. The workforce
transitions study (study) must:
- Evaluate the skill transferability of workers in the oil and gas
industry and in occupations in Colorado that are facing the most disruption due
to automation;
- Explore training availability, skills needed, and transition
strategies; and
- Provide recommendations for programs and policies to prepare the
workforce for these transitions.
- Bill was signed by the governor on May 17, 2023.
- Active
- HB23-1210: Carbon Management. "Carbon
management" is defined by the bill as any combination of carbon dioxide
removal, carbon storage, carbon capture, and carbon utilization. The bill
ensures that carbon management projects, except for agricultural, forestry, and
enhanced oil recovery projects, are eligible for money under the industrial and
manufacturing operations clean air grant program. The bill also requires the
Colorado energy office (office) and the office of economic development to
contract with an organization for the development of a carbon management
roadmap for the state. The bill was sent to the governor.
- DOE May 17th
announcement impact
- University of Illinois (Champaign, Illinois) plans to complete site characterization
efforts for the Cambrian Mt. Simon Sandstone/Eau Claire Formation storage
complex, for storage of carbon dioxide from the Dallman Power Generation Plant in
Springfield, Illinois and about 50 million metric tons of total carbon dioxide storage
capacity. (Award Amount: $17,736,972)
- Active
- S.B. 2421
Creates the Carbon Dioxide Transport and
Storage Protections Act. Defines terms.
Provides that (i) title to pore space belongs to and is vested in the surface
owner of the overlying surface estate, (ii) a conveyance of title to a surface
estate conveys title to the pore space in all strata underlying the surface
estate, and (iii) title to pore space may not be severed from title to the
surface estate. For
status or last action see here.
- H.B. 2202:
Creates the Underground Carbon Dioxide
Storage Act. Provides that the Act
applies to the underground storage of carbon dioxide but does not apply to
extractable mineral resources, and the rights and requirements of the Act are
subordinate to the rights pertaining to oil, gas, and coal resources. For
status or last action see here.
- H.B. 3119:
Carbon Transport and Storage Protection Act. Provides that a sequestration operator may not exercise any authority to
take or acquire any easement or title to any pore space or any portion of an
area of review pursuant to the Eminent Domain Act. Provides that the
sequestration operator is solely liable for any and all damage caused by the
carbon dioxide transported to the sequestration facility for injection or
sequestration, or otherwise under the sequestration operator's control,
including damage caused by carbon dioxide released from the sequestration
facility, regardless of who holds title to the carbon dioxide, the pore space,
or the surface estate. For status or last
action see here.
- S.B. 1916: Creates the
Safety Moratorium on Carbon Dioxide Pipelines Act. Provides that no certificate of authority for the construction and
operation of a pipeline intended for transportation of carbon dioxide shall be
issued by the Illinois Commerce Commission before the federal Pipeline and
Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has adopted its revised
federal safety standards for transportation of carbon dioxide. For status or last action see here.
- S.B. 1920:
Enhanced Oil Recovery Ban Act. Creates the
Enhanced Oil Recovery Ban Act. Provides that a person shall not inject a
concentrated carbon dioxide fluid produced by a carbon dioxide capture project
or carbon dioxide capture and sequestration project into a Class II well for
purposes of enhanced oil recovery, including the facilitation of enhanced oil
recovery from another well. Provides that an individual who violates the Act is
subject to a fine of $20,000 for each violation. Defines terms. Effective
For status and more information see here.
- S.B. 1550:
Property-Carbon Sequestration. Amends the State Property Control Act. Provides that Marquis Carbon
Injection, LLC, is granted the right to inject and sequester carbon dioxide and
other greenhouse gases for fair market value consideration as set by the
Director of Central Management Services, as administrator, but not to exceed
$0.25 per ton, on specified real property owned by the State of Illinois and
managed by the Department of Natural Resources. Specifies the Parcel
Identification Numbers of the properties concerned. For status and more information see here.
- S.B. 1547: Energy-Generation Task Force Provides that the
Carbon Capture Infrastructure Fund is created as a special fund in the State
treasury and shall be administered by the Illinois Power Agency. Provides that
$10,000,000 shall be transferred from the Illinois Power Agency Renewable
Energy Resources Fund to the Carbon Capture Infrastructure Fund. Provides that
the Agency shall award grants from the fund to carbon producing power plants
for the construction of new carbon capture storage systems. Amends the State
Finance Act to create the Carbon Capture Infrastructure Fund. Effective
immediately. For status and more information see here.
- Legislation signed into law
- SB 451. Carbon Sequestration Project. Defines
the term "pore space". Provides that the pilot project will
construct, operate, or use not more than two (2) carbon dioxide pipelines and
will maintain operations only in Vigo and Vermillion counties. Requires the
director of the department of natural resources to designate the operator of
the carbon sequestration pilot project not more than 30 days after the Class VI
well permit authorizing the operation of carbon dioxide injection wells at the
site of the pilot project is issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. Provides that, for purposes of the pilot project, the title to pore
space is vested in the person who holds in fee simple the surface interest in
the land or water, as identified by the property records of the county, except
in case of an explicit conveyance, exception, or reservation through a recorded
conveyance to another person. Signed by
governor on 4/20/2023, see here.
- Active legislation
- S.B. 0247: Provides that a
carbon sequestration project may not be undertaken unless the project is
approved by the county legislative body (for a project located in the
unincorporated area of a county) or the city or town legislative body (for a
project located in a city or town). For
status, see here.
LOUISIANA - Active legislation
- H.B. 571. Energy: Provides relative to carbon capture and
sequestration. Proposed law establishes regulations and redistributes fees
for various aspects of carbon capture and sequestration. Requires notice be
given to parish governing authorities on applications for class V or VI well
permits and for applications to conduct geophysical surveys in their respective
parish. For status see here.
- H.B. 10.
Energy/Conservation: Removes eminent domain authority of storage facility operators. For status, see here.
- H.B. 35: Energy
Conservation: Prohibits carbon dioxide sequestration projects in St.
Helena Parish. For status, see here.
- H.B. 454:
Energy Conservation: Requires a local election
for the approval of carbon dioxide sequestration within a parish. For status, see here.
- DOE May 17th
announcement impact
- Bluebonnet Sequestration Hub LLC (Houston, Texas) plans to complete the site characterization, permitting,
and environmental approvals for the Bluebonnet Sequestration Hub along the
Texas Gulf Coast, with potential for more than 350 million metric tons of total carbon dioxide storage capacity. (Award Amount: $16,480,117)
- BP Corporation North
America Inc. (Houston, Texas) will focus on the characterization and permitting of two
commercial-scale storage sites along the Texas Gulf Coast with the capacity to
ultimately store up to 15 million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. (Award Amount:
- Magnolia Sequestration
Hub, LLC (Houston, Texas) intends to complete the site characterization, permitting,
and environmental approvals for the Magnolia Sequestration Hub in Allen Parish,
Louisiana, with an estimated 300 million metric tons of total
carbon dioxide
capacity. (Award Amount: $21,570,784)
- Timberlands
Sequestration, LLC (Houston, Texas) intends to complete site characterization efforts to
develop a biomass carbon removal and storage project for the Alabama River
Cellulose pulp and paper mill located in Monroe County, Alabama. (Award Amount:
- Howard Midstream Energy
Partners LLC (San Antonio, Texas) will perform a study for a system capable of moving up to
250 million metric tons of
carbon dioxide
per year from multiple sources to multiple
storage locations on the Gulf Coast from the Port of Corpus Christi, Texas to
the Mississippi River. (Award Amount: $3,000,000)
- Active bills
- H.B. 1158:
Relating to advanced clean energy projects and certain other projects that
reduce or eliminate carbon dioxide emissions. For status see here.
- S.B. 2107: Relating to ownership of pore
space, transfer of long-term liability, and lease integration. For status see here.
- H.B. 4484:
Relating to the ownership
of the pore space underlying the surface of land and to the use of that space
for the geologic storage of carbon dioxide; authorizing a fee. For status see here.
- H.B.4557:
Relating to liability for capturing and storing carbon dioxide. For status see here.
- DOE May 17th
announcement impact
- University of
Wyoming (Laramie, Wyoming) plans to advance a commercial,
multi-source, large-scale carbon capture and storage hub in Greater Green River
Basin, Wyoming, with carbon dioxide sourced from trona mining and direct air capture
facilities. (Award Amount: $40,504,935)
- Class VI Permit Tracker. Hunton Andrews Kurth’s Class VI Program Permit Tracker is the
first centralized source for tracking state applications for primacy over Class
VI permitting programs, as well as the status of Class VI permit applications
- Interactive Tracker Launched by Arnold & Porter and
Columbia’s Sabin Center. The Arnold & Porter law
firm developed a new CCUS Legislative Tracker, releasing it
on the Carbon Dioxide Removal Law webpage of Columbia Law
School’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law. The interactive
tracker “Helps track legislative and significant state CCUS actions nationwide.
Through January 2023, the tracker identified 15 states with significant CCUS
legislation. In addition, eight states have enacted new legislation or amended
existing CCUS frameworks since 2021." At its initial publication,
the Tracker focused on six types of state actions:
- Statutory clarifications of pore space ownership
- Mechanisms to combine ownership interests within a
potential storage facility
- Long-term state stewardship programs
- Trust funds and associated fee mechanisms used to defray
various costs incurred by the state
- State assumption of UIC primary enforcement authority (known
as primacy)
- Inclusion
of CCUS in published state climate action plans
- The Great Plains Institute has State Legislative Tracker which
can be accessed here
Canada (Policy/Legislation/Regulation)
Budget 2023 - A Made-in-Canada Plan: Strong
Middle Class, Affordable Economy, Healthy Future. - The 2023 federal budget is the
government’s plan to build a stronger, more sustainable, and more secure
Canadian economy—for everyone. Budget 2023 proposes a range of measures that
will encourage businesses to invest in Canada and create good-paying jobs for
Canadian workers. This made-in-Canada plan follows the federal tiered structure
to incent the development of Canada’s clean economy and provide additional
support for projects that need it. This plan includes: - Clear and predictable
investment tax credits to provide foundational support for clean technology
manufacturing, clean hydrogen, zero emission technologies, and carbon capture
and storage. Budget 2023 proposes that the Investment Tax Credit for Carbon
Capture, Utilization, and Storage.
Alberta Counters
Trudeau Climate Plan With Net Zero ‘Aspiration’. - Alberta’s
conservative government shot back at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s climate
goals with its own emissions reduction plan that’s
less stringent and foresees continued development of Canadian oil and gas
projects. Released Wednesday on the eve of a provincial election campaign,
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s plan focuses on her province’s biggest source
of emissions, the oil and gas industry. It emphasizes technologies such as
carbon capture and storage to make hydrocarbon production cleaner
Americas Institute Events
- The Institute’s Policy and Advocacy
Manager Americas, participated in the Carbon Management Technical Symposium
held at California State University on the
panel entitled “The Business of Carbon Dioxide Removal,
Capture and Storage” on April 21st.
- The Institute’s Policy and Advocacy
Manager Americas, participated in the Texas Symposium on Climate Change and Energy
Transition on the panel addressing “Subsurface
Resources” on April 28th.
- The Institute hosted their 11th Annual D.C. Forum on CCS , 9 May 2023, with a keynote speech by Governor Edwards of Louisiana, a fireside chat with the White House's OSTP's Dr. Sally Benson, and panel discussions on CCUS policy, finance, pipelines, and more.
- The institute held a webinar on CCS Commercial and Regulatory Frameworks: Lessons Learned from the CCS Experience in the United States on 16 May 2023. Recording and PDF available here.
- The Institute’s Global Finance Sector Lead will
participate in the 20th Annual Energy Infrastructure CEO & Investor
Conference on the panel addressing “Perspectives on Federal Energy Policy,
Regulation and Emerging Technologies” on 24 May 2023.
- Senior
Client Engagement Lead Spencer Schecht will be traveling to Calgary, Canada to
participate in the Global Energy Show 2023 June 13-15. Spencer will be moderating
the panel “Carbon Capture and Storage – Delivering on the Promise of a Net Zero
Energy Industry”. Stick around for this final panel on the final conference
day. Please feel free to reach out
to Spencer if you plan to attend.
Areas to Watch - United States
- House GOP divided on energy spending. GOP
lawmakers voted on April 26th to approve a bill to raise the nation’s debt
ceiling in return for a host of concessions from Democrats. GOP leaders agreed
not to touch those measures, or money for carbon capture projects. The measure now goes to the Senate.
This section is for other news that may directly or indirectly impact CCS deployment
Carbon Deal Targets US Pipeline Seeking to Tackle
Corn-Based Ethanol Emissions. Summit Carbon Solutions, which is building the $5.5 billion
pipeline through the heart of America’s Corn Belt, said it will sell credits
valued at up to $30 million to NextGen CDR Facility, a joint venture of
Japanese conglomerate Mitsubishi Corp. and climate consultancy South
Pole. Together with two other deals that the joint venture announced Wednesday, the transactions equal a quarter of
all certified carbon removals to date, according to NextGen. Specific prices
weren’t disclosed.
House Modernizing Regulatory Review. The Executive Order of April 6, 2023
(Modernizing Regulatory Review) takes new steps to enhance the effectiveness of
regulatory review, improve public participation in the regulatory process, and
increase the transparency and inclusiveness of Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Information and Regulatory Affairs’ (OIRA) engagement with the public. - The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Science Advisory Board (SAB)
Staff Office is announcing a public meeting of the Science Advisory Board
Environmental Justice Screen (EJScreen) Review Panel. The purpose of the
meeting is to discuss responses to charge questions, listen to public comments
and peer review the EPA’s EJScreen methodology and updated calculations for the
environmental justice (EJ) indexes released publicly in October 2022, as well
as other aspects of the calculations. The Panel will also provide
recommendations and expert input on other components of the tool.
- Biden-Harris Administration Announces
$177 Million for 17 New Technical Assistance Centers Across the Nation to Help
Communities Access Historic Investments to Advance Environmental Justice. EPA’s Thriving
Communities Technical Assistance Centers include a network of over 160 partners
to provide resources to unlock access to President Biden’s historic investments
in America. Each of the technical assistance
centers will receive at least $10 million to remove barriers and improve accessibility
for communities with environmental justice concerns. With this critical
investment, these centers will provide training and other assistance to build
capacity for navigating federal grant application systems, writing strong grant
proposals, and effectively managing grant funding. In addition, these centers
will provide guidance on community engagement, meeting facilitation, and
translation and interpretation services for limited English-speaking
participants, thus removing barriers and improving accessibility for
communities with environmental justice concerns. Each of the technical
assistance centers will also create and manage communication channels to ensure
all communities have direct access to resources and information.
REPORTS - To support preparations for upcoming major events such as the COP28 Climate Change Conference, the IEA released Credible Pathways to 1.5 °C: Four pillars for action in the 2020s, a new report on the key actions needed to keep within reach the Paris Agreement’s target of limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5 °C. Carbon capture and storage and atmospheric carbon dioxide removal are see as one of the four pillars. The reports states, “[e]ven in a low overshoot scenario, carbon capture and storage and atmospheric carbon dioxide removal will be required to mitigate and compensate hard‐to‐abate residual emissions. Projects capturing around 1.2 Gt carbon dioxide by 2030 need to be implemented, against the roughly 0.3 Gt carbon dioxide currently planned for 2030.”
- The report
outlines the path to meaningful scale in carbon management, near-term and longer-term opportunities
through 2030. This report outlines the path to meaningful scale in carbon
management, which are expected to develop near-term and longer-term
opportunities. For near-term (through 2030) opportunities, projects in
industries with high-purity carbon dioxide streams (e.g., ethanol, natural gas processing,
hydrogen) have the best project economics.
For longer-term (post-2030) opportunities—industries with lower-purity carbon dioxide streams and distributed process emissions — project economics must improve
to make widescale deployment likely in the absence of other drivers (e.g.,
regulation). Demonstration projects from now through 2030 can support cost
declines—both through learning-by-doing and standardizing project development
structures. The report lists three types of key performance indicators that can
gauge the progress needed for successful market scale-up of CCUS and CDR
- Outcomes show the relative impact of CCUS and
CDR on broader Administration targets (e.g., job creation, emissions reduction;
- Leading
indicators are early signs of the relative readiness of technologies and
markets for at-scale adoption (e.g., early signs indicating CCUS and CDR are
“on-track” for net-zero targets); and
- Lagging indicators are confirmation of successful scaling and adoption of CCUS and CDR (e.g., evidence and progress toward net-zero targets).